11 Ways Get Rid of a Hickey Fast: How long do hickeys last

Hickeys are very common in today’s modern lifestyle. Everyone knows actually what a hickey is. Everyone wants to get rid of a hickey fast. But how fast and how long do hickeys last?

Some people are not too concerned about the hickeys being seen by others. But many people want to hide hickeys from others. Because they are feeling shy. They are shy about other people learning that they had an intimate moment with their partner.

In this article, we will be talking more about: –

  • how long do hickeys last?
  • are hickeys bad?
  • how to get rid of hickeys fast?
  • how to hide a hickey?
  • and also, a bit about how hickey occurs.

The good thing about a hickey is, it is not a health condition. It is also harmless and mostly painless.

What is a Hickey?

Hickey or Hickie, likewise, has many different names. Interestingly, these names describe well what is a hickey. The other names are love bite, kiss marks, or bug bite.

A hickey a bruise-like mark. Hickeys are a type of bruise that can occur when the skin is forcefully sucked. It results from sucking or kissing the skin of your partner a bit hard. Mostly it happens in the areas of the neck arms, or breasts.

a man and woman kissing - How to get rid of a hickey fast
Hickey is a bruise caused by kissing or sucking on skin

As said above, a hickey is one kind of bruise, caused by biting or sucking the soft skin while kissing the neck or arms. This can happen during make-out sessions, during sex, or even when someone is trying to give you a hickey!

This act is good enough to burst superficial blood vessels under your skin to cause a hickey. In medical terms, is known as a broken capillary.

What does a hickey look like? New and fresh hickeys look red or pink in color. As time goes by, a hickey tends to heal by itself. Then it turns to purple first and then to brown in color.

Do hickeys hurt? There’s no doubt that hickeys can be painful, depending on how deep they are and how sensitive your skin is. But for the most part, hickeys are more of an annoyance than anything else.

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a hickey, you know that they can be pretty uncomfortable. And if you’ve ever given someone a hickey, you know that they can be pretty painful, too.

Women are the ones who mostly give or create hickeys on their male partners. A few men do the same to women partners.

How long do Hickeys last?

You may wonder how long a hickey lasts or the time it takes to disappear. Also, will it leave a permanent scar on your skin? Do not worry! Hickey does not cause a permanent scar on your skin unless it is a serious bite caused by your partner.

Hickeys can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Hickeys heal by themselves. Healing all depends on how harsh or severe the hickey is on your skin. The darker and larger the hickey, the longer it will take to heal. The healing time also depends on your general health conditions.

If the minor or mild hickeys are treated immediately, you may get rid of them overnight. In other cases, given hickey treatments can shorten the bruise’s duration by a day or two.

How to Remove a Hickey?

There are two ways to remove a hickey. Let it heal or take action to heal faster. The other way is to at least hide the hickey till it heals. Let us get into details, keep reading.

How to get rid of a hickey fast?

Many people wish to hide or get rid of their hickeys fast mainly for two reasons. One is it may look unfitting in public places or in others’ eyes. The other is you may feel embarrassed. It is that people will find out that you had an intimate moment with your partner.

There are a few things you can do to speed up the healing process. Applying a cold compress to the area can help to reduce swelling and pain. You can also try massaging the hickey with a coin. This will help to break up the clotted blood and allow the bruise to fade more quickly.

If you’re really in a hurry, you can try using makeup to cover up the hickey. However, it’s important to note that hickeys can take a while to heal, so be patient!

As mentioned earlier the hickeys are a kind of bruise. So, hickeys can be treated as any other common bruises. So, how to remove a hickey? Here are the 8 best ways to get rid of hickeys fast.

1. Use Aloe Vera to heal hickeys fast

As known to you Aloe Vera has good effects on your skin. It is a miracle gift from nature with several medicinal attributes.

Aloe Vera also works well to heal hickeys fast. Because of the revitalizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Aloe Vera is a natural moisturizer and can reduce skin sensitivity as well which is caused by a hickey.

Apply Aloe Vera extract on your hickeys and massage your skin gently. Repeat three times a day. You also could use Aloe Vera herbal gel or cream that can be bought from pharmacies or online.

Aloe Vera is excellent for skin problems even for acne as a natural remedy.

2. Apply a cold spoon to the hickey to reduce swelling

Cold metallic teaspoon from the refrigerator helps to get rid of hickey in one day
Pressing a cold metallic teaspoon can heal new hickeys fast

Pick a metallic teaspoon and place it in a refrigerator for about 15 minutes. Then rub over the hickey on your skin with the back of the cold spoon. As you rub on the hickey, press the spoon downwards towards the skin.

The cold spoon works well and effectively on the new hickeys. When the cold is applied in the background the blood vessels reduce the seeping of blood into the skin.

You could repeat it as many times as needed throughout the day. This method helps to get rid of the hickeys in one day.

3. Use toothbrush bristles to improve the blood circulation

Super soft bristles of toothbrushes help to get rid of hickeys in minutes. Effective on hickeys if treated on minor and fresh hickeys.

The application of soft bristles of toothbrushes stimulates blood circulation. Around the hickey, it releases the clotted blood and heals it.

Use little pressure and work the bristles over the hickey in all directions. This will help the blood clot to spread evenly. Keep doing this for about 10 minutes. If the hickey is minor it disappears in no time.

4. How to get rid of a Hickey with a Coin?

Using a coin to clear the hickey helps but can be a little bit painful. You have to take extra care not to make your hickey worse. Here are the steps on how to use a coin against a hickey.

  • Pick one of any usual coins (no need to worry it is made of what metal or like that)
  • Hold the coin with your thumb and index finger a little tightly
  • With two fingers of the other hand stretch the hickey by pulling the skin either way. Make the hickey flat.
  • Scratch the hickey with the coin from the center to the outwards of the hickey. Actually, you scrape the tiny blood clots off in the skin (hickey). The blood clots break making them less dense

Immediately after the use of the coin, your hickey may look reddish. This will go away in a few minutes. Your hickey also will vanish in a few minutes or an hour depending on how severe it is. Take extra caution. Do not overdo the coin. You may end up making the hickey worse.

5. Use a warm compress to spread out clotted blood

warm compress improves the blood circulation and clears the clotted blood from the hickeys
A warm compress clears the clotted blood from hickeys

The stubborn hickeys can last for more than 4 days. Treat these hickeys with a warm compress. Apply the heat using a warm compress on the hickeys. This allows it to circulate new blood to the affected area and break up the clotted blood.

A warm compress makes the blood vessels and cells expand naturally. It has been helpful for dry eyes

A warm compress expands blood vessels, letting blood flow through and easing any pain or inflammation. Due to this nature, it has been also used in muscle cramps, dry eyes, pilonidal cysts, black eyes, and migraines.

Do the warm compress application over the hickey for about 5 minutes. Reheat the compress as necessary for better and faster results.

6. Chapsticks to Getting Rid of Hickey Fast

In this case, you actually using the Chapstick cap. The cylinder shape of the Chapstick cap is going to help in this case. This is similar to using a coin against a hickey. This process loosens blood clots and makes them spread and disappear. Here are the steps for how you do it:

  • Pick a Chapstick cap
  • Just keep right on top of your hickey
  • Press the Chapstick cap into the skin (hickey) gently
  • Keep pressing and slowly twist the cap. Making your skin itself twists along with the cap
  • Twist as much as possible without hurting your skin. This is important not to make your hickey worse.
  • Hold the twisted skin position for about 15 seconds and release the cap.
  • Now twist the hickey with the Chapstick cap in the opposite direction.
  • Repeat this process for about 10 minutes

This will make blood clots break and release the blood to get absorbed into the skin. This is another best way to get rid of a hickey fast in an hour.

7. Eat more Vitamin K-rich food

Intake of vitamin K rich food helps to heal hickeys fast. In addition could apply Vitamin K creams on hickey. It will speed up the healing of hickeys
Intake of vitamin Krich food helps to heal hickeys fast

Vitamin K is capable of absorbing blood clots in our bodies. So, eating more vitamin K-rich food speeds up the healing process of the hickeys.

Here is the list of Vitamin K-rich food for example: –

You could eat vitamin K-rich food like a salad or a meal. Keep increasing your intake of these foods.

Alternatively, you can use Vitamin K-rich creams available at pharmacies or online. Specifically, Arnica Remedy Bruise Creams and Under Eye Creams.

Apply these creams on the hickey and also eat Vitamin K-rich food for quicker healing of hickeys.

8. Use Arnica to get rid of a hickey fast

Arnica Montana has anti-inflammatory and many other properties. It gives a healing and soothing effect to the skin on bruises, and on the hickeys too.

For you to know Arnica Montana is highly used in various forms of homeopathic treatments. Mainly, for arthritis symptoms and bruises.

Arnica Creams or Oral Arnica is available online and at pharmacies. Choose the right one for you that talks about healing bruises and apply it accordingly.

9. Use banana peel cooling effect to shrink hickey

It is hard to believe that banana peel inside has a cooling effect with lots of nutrients and vitamins. This is one main reason why banana peel is used by many to heal hickeys fast.

To use the banana peel, first, remove the banana peel from the well-ripe banana. Then place the inside of the banana peel on your hickey slightly pressing over. Leave it for about 15 to 30 minutes. You could repeat 3 or more times as you wish for better quicker results.

Banana has many uses. Here is a complete list ofbanana health benefits and nutrition facts.

10. Use peppermint oil for hickeys

Peppermint properties stimulate blood circulation. It helps in clearing blood clots and healing hickeys fast
Peppermint oil stimulates blood circulation and heals hickeys

Peppermint has properties that stimulate blood circulation. Further, it assists in affected capillary vessels by the hickeys.

Put a few drops of peppermint oil over the hickeys and rub gently. You may experience a prickling feeling for a short time after the application.

Alternatively, opt for peppermint-based toothpaste. In case you could not get peppermint oil.

Apply a little peppermint-based toothpaste over the hickey. Leave it for about 10 minutes. After that, wipe it off with warm water.

Peppermint-based toothpaste is effective on a fresh and new hickey.

11. Vitamin C Heals Hickeys

Vitamin C is important to maintain healthy and smooth skin. Boosting the production of skin collagen is one of the activities of Vitamin C. It has a good amount of antioxidant properties. Vitamin C strengthens your skin around the blood vessels and helps to heal the hickey.

Use cream enriched with Vitamin C over the hickey on your skin. Apply every day for faster healing. Eating more vitamin C-rich fruits or juices such as oranges, lemons, or lime.

How long do hickeys last on your breast?

Well, this is a separate topic because so, many people really want to know.

If you’ve ever wondered how long hickeys last on the breast, the answer is a bit longer. Again it all depends on the person’s skin, how much suction was used, and how long the hickey was sustained. In general, though, hickeys on the breast tend to last a bit longer than hickeys on other parts of the body.

For starters, the size of the hickey will play a role in how long it lasts. A small hickey may only last for a few days, while a large hickey could take up to two weeks to fade. So if you’re looking to give your partner a bit of a thrill, don’t be afraid to go for the hickey on the breast. Just be prepared for it to linger for a while!

Best Ways to Hide a Hickey

How do people hide hickeys? Many ways people cover the hickeys. Some of the easiest ways of hiding hickeys in practice are:

  • using a concealer
  • applying powder according to one’s skin tone
  • with fake tan
  • scarves
  • snoods
  • turtle neck
  • sleeves


Hickeys, for many people, cause embarrassment. Easily can be seen by others at work, in public places, or even by your family members. You may want to hide the hickey with your hair, makeup, or clothing to avoid embarrassment.

How long do hickeys last? First of all, you should know that only mild and minor hickeys heal overnight. Provided, the hickeys are treated when it is fresh and new. Otherwise, the healing process will take a few more days.

The above-mentioned hickey treatments are capable of speeding up the healing process. It helps to get rid of a hickey fast.

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