How to Get Rid of Calluses on Feet: 11 Best Remedies

This article covers dry callus remover home remedies for your toughened, hardened, and thick skin areas. A callus is also called callosity. The good news is it is not too difficult to get rid of calluses on feet.

The callus forms due to repeated friction, continuous pressure, and other irritations in the same area.  The callus forms mostly at the bottom of the feet just below the big toe.

Callus also can form in hands, palms, fingers, or any part of the outer body where repeated frictions take place.  Calluses on the feet are mainly due to repeated friction in a specific area and dry skin. Friction is normally by means of rubbing over and over again in a specific area of the skin.

Also, new shoes, and high heels shoes are very common reasons to develop a callus.

Apart from this, people who are diabetic or have health conditions with poor blood circulation have the risk of developing calluses. Mostly referred to as diabetic foot callus. Furthermore, diabetics tend to have more high pressure under the areas of the foot. This will lead diabetic calluses to build faster and occur more in people with diabetes conditions. Therapeutic shoes and inserts help to ease excessive calluses on feet.

The thick and hard callus used to have outer flaky and dry skin. The callus is not painful but uncomfortable with the bumpy surface and not sensitive on and around the skin area.

Though callus is not so serious thing if not treated can open the way for other infections and skin problems. If calluses are not done in a timely trimmed, they may become very thick. It can break down and turn into ulcers (open sores). Do not try to cut or trim calluses or corns by yourself. Take extra care when cutting or trimming calluses to avoid infection.

Callus Remover Home Remedy - guide

The Callus can easily be cured just by ensuring no pressure or friction is applied in the affected areas. We will discuss many simple callus remover home remedies here.

People with diabetics are advised to seek a doctor’s guidance before trying these callus home remedies.

The Best Callus Remover Home Remedies

1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is capable of softening the hardened skin of the callus and hence good for treating the callus effectively.

Before starting the treatment with castor oil, soak the feet in tepid water for about ten minutes. Then cover the callus with cotton that was soaked in castor oil. Tie the cotton ball with a bandage and leave it overnight.

The next day morning remove the dry skin using a pumice stone. Repeat the same till the callus gets removed fully.

Heat the castor oil and apple cider vinegar in equal parts. Once this mixture cools down a little soak your feet. The mixture should be slightly warm. After about ten minutes wash your feet with warm water and scrub off the dead skin with a pumice stone.

Do this once a day and repeat for a few days till the callus is fully gone.

2. Epsom Salt Soak for Callus

Epsom Salt - Callus remover home remedy

The easiest callus remover home remedy is to treat it with Epsom salt. Soak the affected area in the Epsom salt mixed with tepid water.

Epsom salt water softens the hard skin and will enable it to scrub off and protect the skin from infections. It is a similar treatment of Epsom salt for boils as well.

Step-by-step guide for this callus remover home remedy with Epsom Salt:

  • Fill the tub with tepid water and add a handful of Epsom salt to it. Thoroughly stir it.
  • Then put your feet into the tub to soak it well for about 15 minutes.
  • Use a pumice stone to rub the affected skin area and remove the dead skin on the callus.
  • Dry the feet and apply moisturizer to the feet.
  • Repeat this as much as needed

3. Baking Soda for Foot Calluses

  • Baking soda is a natural exfoliant when it comes to callus. It is a good callus treatment home remedy.
  • Fill the bathtub with tepid water and add three tablespoons of baking soda to it.
  • Stir the water thoroughly
  • Place your feet in the tub to soak your feet for about 10 minutes.
  • After that use a pumice stone to scrub and remove the dead skin on the callus.
  • Repeat daily till the callus disappears

4. Aspirin

Asprin - Callus remover home remedy

Aspirin is another good callus remover and removes the discomfort caused by the callus.

  • Pick about six aspirin tablets and crush them to powder
  • Make a paste by adding one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a little water to the powdered aspirin
  • Apply the paste over the callus cover it with a cloth and wrap it with a warm towel for 15 minutes
  • Remove the cloth and the towel and wash with tepid water
  • Use a pumice stone to scrub off the dead skin.
  • Keep repeating for a few days till the callus is gone.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak for Callus

Apple cider vinegar is also useful in treating Callus conditions. The acidity in the vinegar helps to soften the hardened skin and allows for to removal of the dead skin. Therefore, apple cider vinegar is the best foot soak for the callus of all.

  • Pick a cotton ball and soak it in the apple cider vinegar. Place the soaked cotton on the affected area by callus and tape with a plaster. Do this before going to bed and leave it overnight.
  • The following day, morning use a pumice stone to remove the dry skin gently.
  • Apply some olive oil to keep the affected area moisturized.
    Repeat this till the callus is gone.

6. Vinegar with Bread

  • Application of Vinegar is a good callus remover home remedy.
  • Wash the affected area with warm water
  • Dip the slice of bread in the vinegar and place it over the callus
  • Warp it with a bandage and let it be overnight
  • The following morning remove the bandage.
  • Then apply moisturizer over it
  • Repeat this every day till the callus is gone

7. Lemon Juice or Peel

  • Lemon juice or lemon peel can work as a callus remover. The acidity of the lemon makes the hardened skin soft on the callus.
  • Keep a piece of lemon peel over the callus and wrap it with a bandage.
  • Leave it overnight and the next day morning remove it and replace it with a new lemon peel.
  • Repeat the same for several days until the callus is removed fully

Alternatively, soak a cotton ball in the lemon juice and place it over the callus. Tie a bandage and leave it overnight. The following day morning replace it with a new cotton ball soaked in lemon juice. Repeat it till the callus disappears.

8. Onion

Onion with an acidic nature has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, Onion is one of the good callus treatment home remedies.

Onion - Callus remover home remedy
  • Dip the half-cut onion in the lemon juice that is mixed with a little salt. Place the onion on the callus and tie it with a bandage. Leave it overnight and in the morning, it can be removed. Repeat the same for a few days till desired results are achieved.
  • Onion also can be used with vinegar to treat the callus. Soak the onion in the vinegar for about four hours. Place the onion on the callus tie it with a bandage and leave it overnight. The next day morning scrubs off the dry skin from the callus using a pumice stone. Repeat every day until the callus is gone

9. Chamomile

Chamomile is another good remedy for treating callus effectively. This has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin.

Take a bigger bowl where your feet can fit in. Pour the boiled two cups of chamomile tea into it. Soak your feet for about 15 minutes. Repeat for a few days till the callus goes away.

Alternatively, make a paste using dried chamomile tea with lemon juice and crushed garlic cloves in equal quantities. Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it for hours. Then rinse with warm water and scrub off the dead skin with a pumice stone.

Repeat this remedy over and over again daily once till the callus is completely removed.

10. Sea Salt

Use sea salt which is a natural scrub to treat Callus and any dry and dead skin.

Make a mixture of sea salt and olive oil in equal quantities. Apply over the callus area on your feet. After about 15 minutes rinse with warm water and scrub off the dry skin from the callus. Apply moisturizing cream over the callus. Repeat this every day as needed.

11. Callus and Corns Removal Using Pumice Stones

Using pumice stones is effective in removing dead skin from callus and corns. Removal of dead skin means less pressure and less pain.

  • Soak your foot and other affected areas in warm soapy water.
  • Soak for about 5 minutes to let the calluses or corn skin soften.
  • Wet the pumice stone in water
  • using mild pressure and rub the pumice stone on the affected areas for about 3 minutes.
  • Rinse the skin with warm water.
  • Rinse the pumice stone.

Apply pumice stones daily on calluses. Do not try to overdo it using a pumice stone to remove the dead skin. If it goes too deep into your skin it may start bleeding and cause infection.

Precautions and Things to Avoid

  • Always wear comfortable shoes with cotton socks. Ensure there is more ventilation.
  • Avoid using shoes with heels. This will help lessen pressure and friction on the callus.
  • Never remove the callus by cutting or slicing it off with a knife. It is not safe and can lead to infections.
  • Try therapeutic shoes and inserts for too many calluses.
  • Never try to cut calluses or corns yourself. Let your healthcare provider help you.
  • Never use chemical agents to remove calluses and corns. It can damage or burn your skin.
  • If you have diabetic calluses, consult your doctor to treat calluses and corns.

Several remedies for Callus suggested above are very effective. These are the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of calluses on feet at home.

You could treat it with one of the above dry callus remover home remedies that suit you well. Always never forget to consult a doctor if necessary.


Noble Home Remedies adheres to rigorous sourcing standards, drawing information from peer-reviewed studies, reputable academic research institutions, and esteemed medical journals and associations. We prioritize using high-quality, trustworthy sources to maintain the accuracy and integrity of our content. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

How to remove a callus from a diabetic foot?

The University of Wisconsin and the American Diabetes Association suggest using pumice stones to remove the dead skin from diabetic foot calluses and corns. It is safe if not overdone. Read more here on diabetic foot calluses removal using pumice stones.

How to get rid of calluses on your feet at home?

Many methods can be used to remove calluses and corns at home. Use the home ingredients to help remove dead skin from Callus such as:

Castor Oil
Epsom Salt Soak
Baking Soda
Apple Cider Vinegar
Vinegar with Bread
Lemon Juice or Peel
Sea Salt
Pumice Stones

Can Apple cider vinegar remove calluses?

The answer is yes! The acid content of the apple cider vinegar softens the thick and hard skin of the callus. This helps to peel the dead skin of the callus. Read more here for instructions.

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6 thoughts on “Dry Callus Remover Home Remedy”

  1. Thanks for a nice coverage of calluses. I tried your castor oil remedy today as suggested. Could feel the softening of callus. I will continue to use it for 10-15 days and hope it disappears.

    1. Noblehomeremedies

      Great to hear and glad this article has been useful to you and in your callus health condition.

  2. I tried the onion which was easy to get. It gave me good relief after a few applications. I find my callus disappearing. Thank you for sharing this home remedy for callus remover. Keep doing the good work team

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