14 Surprising Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits and Facts
When it comes to treating various health conditions Apple Cider Vinegar pops up as one of the greatest natural home remedies. The apple cider vinegar health benefits are enormous. It helps with various health conditions such as colds, hiccups, dandruff, diabetes, heart problems, varicose veins, high cholesterol, obesity, etc.
What is Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar is a liquid made from apple peelings and apple cores by taking them through a fermentation process.

How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar at Home?
You can make apple cider vinegar easily at home. All you need are apple peelings and cores, sugar (1 tablespoon for a quantity of a cup of water), water, and a glass jar.
Dissolve the sugar in the water in the jar. Drop the apple peelings and cores into it. Cover the jar with a coffee filter or fabric scrap. Secure the cover by placing a rubber band around the mouth of the jar. Now place the jar in a dark and warm place for fermentation to take place. Leave the jar for about two to three weeks. Strain the liquid and let it ferment for a further 3 weeks. Wow, you now have the homemade apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is widely used for cooking, salad dressing, and baking, as well as a preservative.
To treat various health conditions with apple cider vinegar you are advised to take only a few teaspoons of high acidity levels present in it.
The Best Of 10 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Cures Hiccups
Are you stuck with regular hiccups? Try apple cider vinegar to get rid of hiccups. The sour taste of the apple cider vinegar nullifies spasms that cause hiccups.
Just drink a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed with water. It’s a great and simple home remedy for hiccups that works.
2. Apple cider vinegar Relieves Upset Stomach
The antibiotic effect of apple cider vinegar helps to clear bacteria that cause diarrhea. The pectin present in apple cider vinegar helps to soothe intestinal spasms.
Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and slowly sip to get relief from an upset stomach.
3. Soothes A Sore Throat with Apple Cider Vinegar
One of the main reasons for a sore throat is a bacterial infection. Rich with antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria in the throat and restricts further infection.
Simply gargle your throat with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in a cup of lukewarm water. Repeat every two hours for better results.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Prevents Gastritis
Guess you are going to have a heavy meal and expect the formation of gastritis. Be smart to take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink it just about thirty minutes before the meal and you will have a great day.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar to Control Cholesterol Levels
There is a limited study on the apple cider vinegar connection to lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. However, according to an article published in the US National Library of Medicine, the presence of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar lowers bad cholesterol.
Include apple cider vinegar in your daily diet in any form to help control the bad cholesterol (LDL- Low-Density Lipoprotein) level in your blood to enjoy good health.
6. Stuffy Nose And Apple Cider Vinegar
Are you caught with a cold and stuffy nose? Apple cider vinegar can drain the sinuses and give you immediately a better feeling. This is because apple cider vinegar contains potassium that can thin the mucus. Also, the acetic acid in it prevents germs growth and helps in clearing nasal congestion.
Go ahead and drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of lukewarm water to get relief from a stuffy nose and nose congestion. Get over the post-nasal drip for relief with apple cider vinegar.
7. Dandruff and Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is good for the skin because the acidity present affects the level of the skin. The result is it controls the growth of yeast on the scalp and helps to clear dandruff.
Interestingly the famous Dr. Oz has recommended in his shows using apple cider vinegar to cure dandruff.
Do this simple application of apple cider vinegar to clear dandruff. Take an equal quantity of apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water and mix them well. Spray the solution on the scalp. Gently massage the scalp for a minute. Use a clean towel to wrap the head for about 30 minutes. Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly with water. Repeat twice a week to achieve the best results.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar Contributes to Weight Loss
Apple cider vinegar is handy for losing weight. All the magic of losing weight is done by the acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar.
Acetic acid reduces the appetite and at the same time promotes your metabolism. According to certain studies, apple cider vinegar affects the digestion of starch ensuring less calorie intake in your system.
So, ensure a bit of apple cider vinegar in your daily diet if you want to lose weight and get into great shape.
9. Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne
Apple cider vinegar is a good natural toner and makes your skin healthier. The antibacterial properties help to heal, control, and re-appearance of acne. The acids such as lactic and malic present in apple cider vinegar assist in exfoliation, balancing PH levels, and healing red spots on the skin.
Apple cider vinegar is considered a natural acne home remedy because of its ability to cure acne.
Visit here for more details on acne remedies with DIY facemasks
10. Relief From Night-Time Leg Cramps
What causes leg cramps? It is the potassium deficiency in your system that causes leg cramps.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and hence is a natural home remedy for leg cramps.
Here is a simple recipe, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with a little bit of honey. Drink the solution before going to bed. Enjoy a good sleep without experiencing any leg cramps through the night.
11. Boost Your Energy with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and comes with useful enzymes that help to give you relief from tiredness faster. It also contains amino acids that work as an antidote in your system. This leads to boosting the energy levels in your body.
Whenever you feel tired and need quick relief just take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water.
12. Bad Breath
Are you troubled with bad breath? Regular brushing of teeth and mouthwash does not always necessarily help to get rid of bad breath. Bad breath can happen for various reasons including bacteria that cause an odor in the mouth.
Gargle with apple cider vinegar every day till you feel that bad breath is gone for good. You also can drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a glass of water mixture to remove odor-causing bacteria from your system.
13. Controls Blood Sugar
Many studies have proven that blood sugar levels and apple cider vinegar have a closer connection. It was found diabetes taking apple cider vinegar every day before going to bed has lowered their blood sugar levels.
It also observed lower sugar levels in the blood at Arizona State University on insulin-resistant people (type 2 diabetes) taking apple cider vinegar with water before having high-calorie meals.
Try taking apple cider vinegar with water and see the benefits of having lower sugar levels after a good meal.
14. Whiten Teeth with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural teeth stain remover.
Gargling with apple cider vinegar gives the benefits of whitening teeth, removing stains in teeth, and also killing bacteria from the teeth and gums in one go.
So, gargle your mouth every day with apple cider vinegar for these great health benefits.
(Reviewed by Noble Home Remedies MD Staff)
Do share your thoughts and experiences with apple cider vinegar’s health benefits in the comment area below.
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