Reliable Gastroparesis Meal Plan: For All and Diabetics Patients


Why gastroparesis meal plan is important? Leaving apart gastroparesis symptoms, you must get your nutrients. Gastroparesis makes you feel full after eating a small quantity of food. This is because of the delay in emptying the gastric. Thus, you will go short of nutrients in your system.

How to Get Your Energy and Nutrients If You Have Gastroparesis

If you have gastroparesis increase the number of meals per day. Choose always high-protein staple food. Staple food provides a large fraction of energy needs and other nutrients. Examples of staple foods are eggs, peanut butter, fruit purees, and vegetable juices. Staple foods are generally easy to digest.

Easier for the food to chew and swallow it is easier for your stomach to digest fast. Here is a comprehensive list of foods for gastroparesis that can ease digestion. Also, gastroparesis helps to reduce symptoms.

Same time, it is important to know what foods to avoid from the gastroparesis diet that could lead to adverse implications.

Gastroparesis Meal Plan

This is a sample gastroparesis Meal Plan that may help with your Gastroparesis. Breaking the daily meals into breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and snack again. A small quantity of meal 6 times a day. The less you eat make you feel less full in the stomach.

Understanding the sample meal plan helps you leverage a better lifestyle with gastroparesis. Get help from a registered dietitian to plan meals that are suitable for you.


  • 1 cup cream of wheat cereal
  • ½ cup skim milk
  • ½ cup grape juice
  • 1 scrambled egg

Nutrient profiling of breakfast:

Energy – 841 kcal
Protein – 29 grams
Total lipid (fat) – 9 grams
Carbohydrate – 155 grams
Fiber, total dietary – 6 grams
Sugars – 20 grams
Cholesterol – 172 milligrams
Calcium – 835 milligrams
Iron – 52 milligrams
Magnesium – 76 milligrams
Phosphorus – 296 milligrams
Potassium – 583 milligrams
Sodium – 1178 milligrams
Zinc – 3 milligrams

Mid-Morning Snack

  • 10 ounces of instant breakfast with skim milk

Instant breakfast is a quick meal replacement available as a powdered mix. This is supposed to be mixed with skim milk and consumed as a drink.

Nutrient profiling of Instant breakfast:

Energy – 353 kcal
Protein – 20 grams
Total lipid (fat) – 1 gram
Carbohydrate – 66 grams
Fiber, total dietary – 0 grams
Sugars – 66 grams
Cholesterol – 12 milligrams
Calcium – 285 milligrams
Iron – 13 milligrams
Magnesium – 228 milligrams
Phosphorus – 424 milligrams
Potassium – 947 milligrams
Sodium – 385 milligrams
Zinc – 6 milligrams


  • ½ cup vegetable soup
  • ½ turkey sandwich
  • ½ cup applesauce
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise

Nutrient profiling of lunch:

Energy – 490 kcal
Protein – 18 gram
Total lipid (fat) – 18 grams
Carbohydrate – 65 grams
Fiber, total dietary – 5 grams
Sugars – 37 grams
Cholesterol – 48 milligrams
Calcium – 228 milligrams
Iron – 4 milligrams
Magnesium – 0 milligrams
Phosphorus – 0 milligrams
Potassium – 220 milligrams
Sodium – 990 milligrams
Zinc – 0 milligrams

Mid-Afternoon Snack

  • 10 ounces banana shake made with l plain or vanilla yogurt, milk, and sugar

More Gastroparesis Shakes, Smoothies, Soups Recipes

Nutrient profiling of Banana:

Energy – 313 kcal
Protein – 4 grams
Total lipid (fat) – 1 gram
Carbohydrate – 80 grams
Fiber, total dietary – 9 grams
Sugars – 43 grams
Cholesterol – 0 milligrams
Calcium – 18 milligrams
Iron – 1 milligram
Magnesium – 95 milligrams
Phosphorus – 77 milligrams
Potassium – 1260 milligrams
Sodium – 1 milligram
Zinc – 0.5 milligrams


  • 3 ounces baked chicken (or fish)
  • ½ cup mashed potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon margarine
  • ½ cup spinach
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup fruit cocktail

Nutrient profiling of Dinner:

Energy – 370 kcal
Protein – 14 grams
Total lipid (fat) – 11 grams
Carbohydrate – 54 grams
Fiber, total dietary – 5 grams
Sugars – 16 grams
Cholesterol – 38 milligrams
Calcium – 147 milligrams
Iron – 1 milligram
Magnesium – 10 milligrams
Phosphorus – 0 milligrams
Potassium – 612 milligrams
Sodium – 148 milligrams
Zinc – 0 milligrams

Bedtime Snack

  • ½ cup pudding, custard, or gelatin

Nutrient profiling of Custard:

Energy – 116 kcal
Protein – 6 grams
Total lipid (fat) – 4 grams
Carbohydrate – 13 grams
Fiber, total dietary – .5 grams
Sugars – 14 grams
Cholesterol – 88 milligrams
Calcium – 138 milligrams
Iron – .5 milligram
Magnesium – 13 milligrams
Phosphorus – 139 milligrams
Potassium – 178 milligrams
Sodium – 111 milligram
Zinc – 1 milligram

Gastroparesis Meal Plan for Diabetics

As you know, the main objective for any diabetic is controlling the sugar levels in the blood. Also, eating food accordingly balances blood sugar levels.

Here are the sample semi-liquid meal pattern suggestions from the American Diabetes Association.

Breakfast with Three Carbohydrate Choices

  • Choice1: 1/2 a cup of citrus juice (15 grams carbohydrate)
  • Choice2: 1/2 a cup of thinned cooked cereal (15 grams carbohydrate)
  • Choice3: 1 cup of milk (15 grams of carbohydrate)
  • and Coffee or Tea unsweetened (0 grams carbohydrate)

Mid-Morning Snack

  • 10 ounces Milk Shake or Liquid supplement (30 grams carbohydrate)

Lunch and Dinner with Three Carbohydrate Choices

  • 1 cup of thinned chicken broth soup or thinned pureed meat (1 gram of carbohydrate)
  • Choice 1: 3 ounces of thinned potato or pureed vegetable (15 grams carbohydrate)
  • Choice 2: 1/2 a cup of pureed fruit (15 grams carbohydrate)
  • Choice 3: 1 cup of milk (15 grams of carbohydrate)
  • Unsweetened Coffee or Tea (0 grams carbohydrate)

Mid Afternoon Snack

  • 10 ounces of milkshake or liquid supplement (30 grams carbohydrate)

Bedtime Snack

  • 10 ounces of milkshake or liquid supplement (30 grams carbohydrate)

Suggestions to Substitute Food to Increase Liquid Calories

  • Substitute with fortified milk to increase protein intake. (Mix 1 quart of whole milk with nonfat instant dry milk. Beat slowly with a beater till the dry milk is fully dissolved. Refrigerate and serve cold).
  • Substitute milk directly or in any recipe with rice milk or soy milk. Here are some in-depth details of the rice milk and soy milk benefits.
  • Enhance the flavor with flavor extracts such are vanilla, almond, or coffee.
  • Ice/ice chip may be used to blend as desired

Tips on lifestyle with Gastroparesis

  • Take a walk after each meal. This helps the stomach to empty faster.
  • Liquid foods empty the stomach faster.
  • Eat slowly and chew the food well for easy digestion. If you do not chew well more work for the gastric.
  • Symptoms vary from day to day or week to week. Monitor and if possible, record every day what you eat. This helps to find out the food that causes your problems.
  • Remember gastroparesis affects each person differently.
  • Drink nutritional supplements. This helps to get more nutrients. Useful if you are unable to get enough nutrients from the gastroparesis meal plan. Here are some of the shakes and smoothie recipes suitable for gastroparesis.
  • Monitor your weight regularly
  • Maintain a Gastroparesis Diet Handout.

Read our natural remedies for gastroparesis that you may adopt against this disorder.


This gastroparesis meal plan is good to start with and monitor how you are progressing. However, it is good to consult a dietician to work out the best meal plan. It is because gastroparesis varies from person to person and also from today to tomorrow.

Those with diabetes check their blood sugar levels regularly. Then make the necessary adjustments to the meal plan.

Consult your doctor with a registered dietician to work out your gastroparesis meal plan. Record daily what you eat and see what works better for you. Then walk through it with your doctor.

You may find the book “Eating for Gastroparesis” by Crystal Saltrelli very useful.

We may receive a small commission if you buy the book at no additional cost to you. Please Click the image below to buy.

For More Useful Guides on Gastroparesis

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