11 Best Natural Antibiotics For UTI – Natural Remedies

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infection in the body, says the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. About 150 million people are affected worldwide each year.

UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract. The most common symptom is the burning sensation while passing urine. Other symptoms can include urinary discomfort, cloudy urine, strong-smelling urine, and pelvic pain.

If you’re suffering from a UTI, you may be looking for a way to ease your symptoms and get rid of the infection quickly. Doctors may subscribe to over-the-counter antibiotic treatment for UTIs. However, you may want to take the natural antibiotics for UTI approach first. Your best off would be treated with natural remedies at the initial stages of UTIs.

8 Natural Antibiotics for UTI

Natural Antibiotics For UTI treatment

There are many different ways to address urinary tract infections. For a natural remedy, you may want to try one of these natural antibiotics.


D-mannose is a great natural antibiotic. This simple sugar is effective in treating urinary tract infections. This simple sugar is so effective and therefore often the first line of recommendation by doctors to treat UTIs. It is also now being used as an alternative to antibiotics for treating UTIs.

D-Mannose in Fruits

The D-mannose molecule binds to the E. coli bacterium that causes UTIs. This process stops bacteria from infecting the walls of the urinary. It is also thought to boost the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight off urinary infections.

So far, no known side effects from using D-Mannose. This makes D-Mannose a safe and one of the most effective natural antibiotics for UTIs.

D-Mannose can be taken in powder or capsule form. The recommended dose is 500mg, two to three times per day. Taking D-Mannose with water first thing in the morning is recommended.

Yes! D-mannose is a natural sugar and is safe for most people to take. However, if you have diabetes, you should check with your doctor before taking D-Mannose, as it can affect blood sugar levels


Goldenseal is an herbal medicine used since ancient times to treat a variety of ailments including UTIs. Goldenseal is not scientifically proven to treat UTIs. But some people have found it effective. Berberine is a compound found in goldenseal. It is thought to contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you’re considering using goldenseal to treat your UTI, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider first. Goldenseal is not appropriate for everyone and it can interact with certain medications.

You can take goldenseal in capsule form or as a tea to treat a UTI. Same time drinking plenty of fluids is necessary.


Cranberries helps heal UTI fast

Cranberries contain a substance called proanthocyanidins. This substance prevents bacteria from infecting the walls of the urinary tract.

Cranberry juice or supplements are the most common way to get proanthocyanidins, but you can also find them in cranberry sauce, jam, and dried cranberries.

If you decide to take cranberry supplements, follow the package directions.
if you’re pregnant or have a kidney condition avoid cranberries.


Garlic has been shown to have antimicrobial activity against a variety of bacteria, including the type that most commonly causes urinary tract infections (Escherichia coli).

You can either eat raw garlic or in the form of a supplement to treat a UTI. If you’re eating raw garlic, aim for one or two cloves per day. If you’re taking a garlic supplement, go by the dosage provided on the package.

In addition, garlic also boosts the immune system, which is useful to fight any infection.

Oregon grape

Oregon grape

For a natural antibiotic to treat your UTI, the Oregon grape may be the answer. Oregon grape is one of the most effective natural antibiotics for UTIs. This herb stops the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract walls.

Oregon grape is available in capsules or tincture form. For the best results, take 500mg of Oregon grape capsules three times daily. If you’re using the solution take 30 drops mixing in a glass of water. Take it three times daily.

You will see improvements within a few days. However, it’s important to continue taking Oregon grapes for two weeks to make sure all the bacteria are killed.


Echinacea is an herb that’s native to North America. It’s been used antibiotics for centuries to treat a variety of ailments.

Echinacea is a natural antibiotic and can help to fight infection-causing bacteria. It can also help to reduce inflammation and pain.

To treat a UTI with echinacea, drink two to three cups of echinacea tea per day. You can also take echinacea supplements, following the dosage instructions on the package.

Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and urinate frequently to help flush out the infection. With treatment, most UTIs will go away within a few days

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has antibiotic properties such as antibacterial and antifungal. This means that it can help to kill the bacteria that are causing your UTI. You can use tea tree oil in a few different ways to treat your UTI.

One way is to add a few drops of tea tree oil to a warm bath and soak in it for 20 minutes. This can help to relieve some of the pain and discomfort associated with UTIs.

Another way to use tea tree oil is to add a few drops to a cotton ball and apply it to the area around your urethra. This can help to kill the bacteria and speed up the healing process.

Thirdly, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water and drink it


Probiotics are live bacteria that are found in food or supplements. They help to restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the body, which can help to fight off infection.

There are many different types of probiotics, but some of the most effective for treating UTIs are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces Boulardii. These probiotics can be found in yogurt, cheese, fermented foods, and dietary supplements.

To cure a UTI with probiotics, it is important to take a high-quality supplement that contains at least 10 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) of live bacteria.

It is also important to take probiotics on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before a meal, to maximize their effectiveness.

Here are some ways to use probiotics to treat your UTI:

  • Eat yogurt. Yogurt contains live and active cultures of probiotics that can help fight off infection.
  • Take supplements. Probiotic supplements are available in capsule or tablet form. They typically contain lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces Boulardii – all of which are effective in treating UTIs.
  • Use probiotic vaginal suppositories. Probiotic vaginal suppositories are available over-the-counter and can help treat UTIs by introducing good bacteria into the vaginal tract.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while taking Probiotics. Drinking plenty of fluids helps flush out the urinary tract and helps keep infection at bay.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that’s necessary for good health. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that can boost your immune system and help fight off infection. It’s been shown to help prevent and treat urinary tract infections.

There are a few different ways that you can take Vitamin C to treat your UTI.

Increase your Vitamin C intake. This can be done by eating more Vitamin C-rich foods, such as oranges, grapefruit, leafy greens, and bell peppers.

You can also take a Vitamin C supplement. If you’re using a topical UTI treatment, be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully.

You should also drink plenty of fluids while you’re taking Vitamin C to help flush the toxins out of your system

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that can be used to cure UTIs. Colloidal silver works by interrupting the oxygen-metabolizing process of bacteria and other microorganisms. This process is essential to the survival of these organisms, and without it, they quickly die.

While colloidal silver is effective against a wide range of infections, it is particularly effective against UTIs. This is because UTIs are often caused by E. coli bacteria, which are particularly susceptible to silver.

URAL Sachet

URAL Sachet for UTI

One simple and effective home remedy is to use a Ural sachet. The Ural is a naturally occurring antibiotic that is effective against a wide range of bacteria, including the ones that cause UTIs.

This can be a safe and effective way to treat a UTI, and it’s something you can do at home.
To use a Ural sachet, just dissolve it in a glass of water and drink it down. You can do this up to four times a day until your UTI symptoms start to improve.

Ural can be a safe and effective way to treat a UTI, but it’s important to finish the entire course of treatment. And if your UTI symptoms don’t improve after three days, be sure to see your doctor.

Is URAL Safe for Pregnancy

There is no definitive answer to whether or not it is safe to take Ural sachets during pregnancy. The URAL is generally considered to be safe for use in pregnancy and is often recommended as a treatment for urinary tract infections. Additionally, Ural is not known to cause any birth defects or other problems in pregnant women. However, as with any medication, it is always best to speak with a healthcare provider before starting or stopping any medication, particularly during pregnancy.

What are Other Things to Do for Faster Recovery

There are some other things you can do to help treat a urinary tract infection
naturally. These include:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Urinating frequently
  • Avoid irritating foods and beverages
  • Soak in a warm bath to help relieve pain and discomfort.

How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection

Stay safe and secure

In addition to using natural antibiotics, there are a few things you can do to help prevent UTIs in the first place.

First, make sure you urinate soon after sex. This will help to flush out any bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract during intercourse.

Another good prevention method is to drink plenty of fluids. This will help to dilute any bacteria that may be present in the urine.

Finally, avoid using perfumed soaps or douches, as these can irritate the urinary tract and make it more susceptible to infection.

Caution: You’re at risk for a chronic UTI or kidney infection if you ignore treating urinary infections at the early stages.

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

Recurrent UTIs are defined as two or more UTIs in six months or three or more UTIs in a year. While there are many potential causes of recurrent UTIs, here are some of the most common:

  • Anatomical abnormalities: Some women are born with anatomical abnormalities that make them more susceptible to recurrent UTIs. For example, a woman with a shorter urethra is more likely to develop a UTI than a woman with a longer urethra.
  • Sexual activity: Sexual activity can increase a woman’s risk of developing a UTI. This is because, during sexual intercourse, bacteria can be introduced into the urinary tract.
  • Certain medications: Some medications, such as those used to treat diabetes, can produce UTI symptoms.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy can also increase a woman’s risk of developing a UTI. This is because, during pregnancy, the urinary tract is under more pressure from the expanding uterus.
  • Menopause: Menopause can cause changes in the urinary tract that make it more susceptible to infection.

If you have recurrent UTIs, be sure to talk to your doctor about the best way to manage your condition.


If you’re suffering from a urinary tract infection, try these natural antibiotics and see if they help. And remember, if the symptoms persist or get worse, see your doctor.

UTI is a very common bacterial infection, especially in women. It occurs when bacteria get into the urinary tract and multiply. This can cause some symptoms, including a strong urge to urinate, burning when urinating, and cloudy or bloody urine.

While there’s no guarantee that any of these methods will work for everyone, they’re worth a try if you’re looking for a more natural approach to treating your infection.

If your symptoms don’t improve within a few days of using these natural antibiotics, or if they get worse, it’s important to see your doctor.


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