Fall Allergies: Symptoms and Triggers: , Reliable Remedies

Spring is over, summer is over now the fall begins. But how come you are still sneezing or having a runny nose?  That’s because there are allergy triggers during fall that make you sneeze or have a runny nose.  In this article, we are going to look at how we can get over the fall allergy. Also understanding more about the fall allergy triggers and fall allergy symptoms.

What allergens are high in the fall?

There are many allergens that cause allergies during the fall. These are the list of fall allergy triggers you need to be aware of: –

  • Ragweed pollen
  • Mold
  • Certain fruits
  • Dust mites at home around your surroundings
  • Back to school

Ragweed Pollen Fall Allergy Trigger

Ragweed pollen is the major culprit of fall allergy symptoms.

Ragweed pollen triggers most of the fall allergy symptoms

It is a flowering plant belonging to the daisy family. During the fall season ragweed releases pollen into the air.  Each ragweed plant is capable of releasing more than one billion grains of pollen into the air. You can now imagine now how huge it is.

When does ragweed bloom?

Ragweed begins to release pollen in August every year. It continues to release pollen in the following months of September and October. The pollen density in the air is high during this period, especially on cool nights, and warm and dry days.

During fall ragweed pollen spreads all over places with the support of wind. It can travel miles and miles with the wind.  So, even when there is no ragweed growth in your area, still you can get fall allergy symptoms.

What are the symptoms of ragweed allergy?

People who are allergic to spring plants are normally allergic to ragweed pollen as well.  The most common ragweed allergy symptoms are: –

  • Running nose and congestion
  • Itching and watery eyes
  • Sore throat
  • Wheezing and asthma
  • Coughing
  • Sinus
  • Swollen skin below the eyes
  • Reduction in sensing smell
  • Reduction in sensing taste
  • Less sleep or sleepless nights

Mold Fall Allergy Trigger & Symptoms

mold formation in the ceiling of the basement
This is how the mold forms in the basement ceiling

Mold is another fall allergy trigger. It is a fungus. There are several types of mold.  Many of the molds are black in color. Mold grows in wet or damp indoor and outdoor areas where there is less light. 

The most common areas where mold can be seen growing are dark and damp areas. Areas such as basements, attics, and bathrooms. Also, can be seen in leaking spots of roofs, windows, and pipes of your house.

What are the symptoms of mold allergies?

The large quantities of mold spores in the air cause mold allergy symptoms.   It also can lead to respiratory problems in people.

Symptoms of mold allergies similar to ragweed allergy symptoms:

  • Running nose
  • Sore throats
  • Wheezing and asthma
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Bronchitis lung infections
  • Sinus

Dust Mites Fall Allergy Trigger

Dust mite that triggers fall allergy symptoms

Microscopic size bug lives in the dust in your house. Doesn’t it look so awful?

These allergy triggers are common during the humid summer and fall seasons.  Dust mites are microscopic-sized bugs that live in the house dust. This is different from the bed bugs and more dangerous.

Dust mites get into the air when you turn on the heater after a period of time.  Especially after summer and the start of the fall or winter. It causes the symptoms of wheezes, asthma, sneezes, and runny nose.

Back to School Children – Fall Allergy Trigger

After the summer holidays and at the start of the fall children start going back to school. Schools where it is so common to have more mold and dust mites. So, children can easily get affected by allergies.

Fall Allergies Precautions and Remedies

If you get a fall allergy you have to take many aspects into account to avoid and reduce the impact. 

Using HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters is advisable. HEPA filters are capable of trapping pollen, mold spores, and dust mites. It will keep the indoor air pollution-free.

Ragweed fall allergy trigger precautions and remedies

Know the Ragweed pollen count in your area. Read or watch newspapers and TV channel news for a daily update on the ragweed pollen count in your area.

Keep yourself indoors during hours of high pollen count. The peak hours of pollen count are the early hours of the afternoon.

It is advisable to wear a mask in case you have to go out during these hours. 

Staying indoors means keeping the doors and windows closed in your house. 

Also, keep the car windows closed all the time. So that when you have to travel there will not be any pollen inside the car.

When you return home from outside, leave the shoes and jacket outside.  Change your clothes and wash them off.

If you have pets make sure they are given a bath to get rid of pollen from their body.

Further, you can keep your home interior pollen-free. By vacuuming the carpets, washing curtains, and changing bed linens as necessary.

These are the most effective ways to control the ragweed pollen allergy trigger.

Mold fall allergy trigger precautions and remedies

The mold found indoors and outdoors spreads mold spores in the air just like the pollen.

First thing is to find the places where mold is formed and clean up the areas.

Clean your yard or lawn and the gutters from fallen leaves. When leaves are piled up or gathered together, they create a damp area for mold formation.

Ensure you are wearing a mask to not breathe into the mold spores. This is important to avoid triggering any mold-related fall allergy symptoms.

Try to maintain 40 percent humidity in your basement of the house.  You can use a dehumidifier as necessary.

Also, clean your bathrooms and kitchen with washing agents or with vinegar regularly.

Finally, certain essential oils help with allergy treatments. Read our exclusive article on essential oils for cough caused by an allergy. This may be helpful too.

Dust Mites fall allergy trigger precautions and remedies

The only way to get rid of dust mites is to keep your house free of dust.

Always remember to clean the vents before starting the central heating system. So that dust does not spread around the house.

Keep your pillows and mattresses covered with dust-proof covers. Wash the mattress and pillow cover regularly by soaking them in hot water.

Vacuum the carpets and mats to remove any dust on them. In these conditions opt for hardwood flooring. for your house. This helps the cleaning process much easier and faster.  Carpeting the floor allows dust mites to stay deep inside.

Here again, remember to wear a mask while cleaning to avoid breathing into dust mites in the air.

Medications for fall allergy symptoms

People do use over-the-counter medications to combat fall allergy symptoms. Always better consult a doctor for appropriate medication for you.

There are four types of medications used to treat fall allergies:

Steroid nasal sprays – This helps to reduce inflammation caused by the fall allergy.  It makes you breathe better and feel better.

Antihistamines – Reduces the symptoms of sneezing and itching.

Decongestants – Reduces the stuffiness and mucus formation in your nose.

Immunotherapy – These are given in the form of allergy shots, oral tablets, or drops. After treatment, you get relief from the fall allergy symptoms.


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